понедельник, 3 февраля 2020 г.


Crossposting from Torr's thread on Zandronum forums: Yeah, Zandronum was a bit faster but then something bad happened to the maps! Please let us know in this thread! It has finally happened. Threads also show up in the Latest News section. Group Player of the Week:. SetPlayerProperty could still change certain flags on a spectator. zandronum 3.0

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Davemod Public Beta (Zandronum 3.0) file - Doom

It's getting really interesting how quake 1 solves this problem, if it does at all. Crossposting from Torr's thread on Zandronum forums: Doom First Person Shooter.

zandronum 3.0

Instead of further delaying this release by writing a long and polished announcement, let me just briefly mention two random highlights: If a player requests a duplicate name, the player is renamed to 'Player N' where N is a random number from 0 to You do not have the required permissions to view the files attached to this post. What is your favorite new feature or bug fix?

ACS function PlaySound did not work online.

Turbo cheat didn't work online. Any rune can be used as a powerup including spread, prosperity and reflection, which are now available as powerupsand any powerup can be used as a rune. HUDMessage messages weren't cleared on zanddronum resets. We'd like to thank everybody for hanging on and helping out with finding bugs. News and events are posted here. The effects of the terminator sphere and the hellstone on a player were not properly stored in save games.

Nah, I am not YOU and them. We spent more than two years working on 3.

Zandronum - Multiplayer ZDoom

You can find the new build and the full changelog at https: Changing the CVAR 'fullscreen' crashed the server. More stable, a bit faster, and many more features. Player TIDs were not synced to newly connecting clients.

zandronum 3.0

I think I should try converting those maps to quake and see what I get. Event times November 17, - Droughter 1 Comments. Sign in Already have an account?

Zandronum - Multiplayer ZDoom

Clients played the Archvile resurrect sound twice. Yeah, Zandronum was a bit faster but then something bad happened to the maps!

zandronum 3.0

Also, heed caution when playing slaughtermaps, as the game with this mod loaded becomes resource intensive. It would be nice to know what's upcoming, if anything plz don't take my consolecommand away.

Doom id Software Released Posted September 14, The ticket zandronkm that actually tested and provided feedback when requested. Bots on a large map may freeze the game.

Davemod Public Beta (Zandronum ) file - Doom - Mod DB

Tinfoil Man Jun 21 6: Threads also show up in the Latest News section. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Have fun, and I hope you enjoy the experience. After 2 years of development, the most infamous number has finally been surpassed, and many new features are available to Zandronum. Thanks to Siferah for spotting and reporting it.

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