понедельник, 10 февраля 2020 г.


GeometryFactory getFactory public GeometryFactory getFactory Gets the factory which contains the context in which this geometry was created. As stated in SFS Section 2. Areal Geometries have a non-zero area. The coveredBy predicate has the following equivalent definitions: Unicorn Meta Zoo 9: jts javadoc

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Looking at the javadoc, it appears that the returned Geometry object is either: Getting started with Astyanax, the open source Cassandra java library and connect your application to one of the most important NoSQL database.

The SFS equals predicate has the following equivalent definitions: Two Geometries are exactly equal within a distance tolerance if and only if: It means that all intersection points on LineString s will be present as endpoints of LineString s in the result.

Every point of this geometry is a point of jsvadoc other geometry, and the interiors of the two geometries have at least one point in common.

I've got a collection of geometry objects.

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If the filter reports that a coordinate value has been changed, geometryChanged will be called automatically. Note that to produce the expected result the input geometries should be in normal form. The intersects predicate has the following equivalent definitions: The overlaps predicate has the following equivalent definitions: Looking at other notes on Envelope, I see that you can 'expand' the envelope If the result is heterogeneous a GeometryCollection will be returned. Every point of this geometry is a point of the other geometry.

Post as a guest Name. If the result is empty, it is an atomic geometry with the dimension of the lowest input dimension. In particular, unlike contains it does not distinguish between points in the boundary and in the interior of geometries. Simplicity is defined for each Geometry subclass as follows: Puntal Identifies Geometry subclasses which are 0-dimensional and with components which are Point s.

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The buffer operation always returns a polygonal result. This is a looser test than checking for validity.

jts javadoc

In the case of zero-dimensional geometries, ' an empty GeometryCollection is returned. MultiPoint Models a collection of Point s.

jts javadoc

This method should only be used for exceptional circumstances or for backwards compatibility. Description Interface Summary CoordinateFilter Javxdoc classes support the concept of applying a coordinate filter to every coordinate in the Geometry.

If this method modifies any coordinate values, geometryChanged must be called to update the geometry state. Mathematically-exact buffer area javdaoc can contain circular arcs.

Every point of the other geometry is a point of this geometry, and the interiors of the two geometries have at least one point in common.

Asked 7 years, 9 months ago. The touches predicate has the following equivalent definitions: Interface for classes which provide operations that can be applied to the coordinates in a CoordinateSequence.

Index of /jbosstm/docs/4.2.2/javadoc/jts/com/arjuna/orbportability/common

Polygon Represents a polygon with linear edges, which may include holes. The contains predicate has the following equivalent definitions: The coveredBy predicate has the following equivalent definitions: This obviously applies uavadoc to Geometry s which contain 3 or more points; the results for degenerate cases are specified as follows: Its subclasses do not trigger an exception.

jts javadoc

IllegalArgumentException - if g is a GeometryCollection jqvadoc not one of its subclasses isGeometryCollection protected boolean isGeometryCollection Tests whether this is an instance of a general GeometryCollectionrather than a homogeneous subclass.

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